
My week 3

1. Aural/oral skill-building
(1) What I did
I was busy hopping around so many websites, and tried as many as possible.  As for some of them, I kept the URLs in my "Delicious".  Now I am planning to use some website in my classes.  
(2) What I learned 
First, we have easy access to many Englishes.  For example, as I posted in the discussion topic, in the website. "Elllo" I could try so many activities in so many Englishes by so many native or non-native speakers of English all over the world.  
Second, much to my shame, I always used Japanese keyword to search for some good website of teaching English. I do not know why, but actually I did.   I shall never use Japanese in searching English websites, I promise...
Third, almost all activities are classified in levels, such as beginner, lower intermediate, intermediate, and advanced.  Such classification is so helpful when we choose the activity we use in the class.  On the other hand, I noticed that I did not clearly figured out each of my students level in four skills.  This is my urgent job!

2. Read and discuss a past sample project report
(1) What I did
I quickly did scanning over eight reports to find the background that is similar to mine. I chose #3, printed it out, and found it had a active URL of her own "WebQuest " .  How foolish I am!  I went back in front of my PC and checked it.  It was quite a waste of time, and I found I was still far from "digital".  I need much more efforts to walk across the "digital divide".
(2) What I leaned
First, I leaned how to write the final report.  The deadline has been coming closer day by day!
Second, the importance of having positive attitude to change lessons for the better.  I learned this attitude from #3 report by Zlatka.   
Her report was full of attractive points in WebQuest, and I cannot wait Week 5!

3. Others
As I spent too much time hopping around websites, I had to spent almost all Saturday and Sunday to finish assignments of this week.  Hopping around website was a happy time for me, but I should remember, "Too much is as bad as too little" Now I am wondering some of us had same or similar bitter experience!??


1 comment:

  1. Hi Masafumi,

    You said, "Too much is as bad as too little." I totally agree with you. I have struggled visiting different sites and trying to analyze if they were any good for my current students and classes and how I could use them in different situations. They are all wonderful, but we need to be selective with the ones that can meet our students’ needs. This week’s topic is really good because it is about my class’s urgent needs, and at the same time, very demanding.

    By the way, Ello is under construction, isn’t it?

