
Week 5: Brought me some changes to my teaching style!

What I learned and thought

1. Task: Create a rubric/alternative assessment tool
(1) RubiStar, the website:  Easy to make a rubric and find numerous templates.  Also I could learn from numbers of rubrics in public.
(2) How to adapt rubrics to my teaching style; this is very  important for me!!
I always give a "briefing" of a lesson at the beginning.   I made my own rubric and then found that I could make a brief rubric for every class and use it instead of, or with a briefing.

[ How I apply to my classes] 
At the beginning, in the midst, as a wrap-up, or even after the lesson, a rubric is a map, a guidebook, a manual or a record for both students and teachers.
I am quite sure I will get used to making a rubric so soon and find more hidden potential in it. 

2. Discussion: Project-based learning and WebQuests
(1) "dos and don't s"  Thank you, Elimira!
She showed us a good list of dos and don't s in making a rubric or an alternate assessment.  The followings are some of "dos" in her list
•   Explain the benefit from alternative assessment to the students. Students need to get comfortable with the process;
•   Be supportive and be aware of group dynamics when observing students working in small groups;
•   Make it beneficial, decrease isolation;
All of the reasons why I was not successful in PBL in the past are summarized in these three respects.

(2) Making the language learning "means",  not goals, and K-W-L Charts
In Susan's PBL classes, English itself was just a means.  I think this is a key to motivate students in PBL classes.
One more thing I learned is K-W-L Cahrts.  In the second one, "What I want to know",students use English as a tool, and this strong motivation, "want to do something" helps learners much more autonomous than those who are in teacher-centered classes.

3. Project step #4: Describe a technology- related change
(1) Getting over the rote level---Thanks to Robert!
I first used "Quizlet"(http://quizlet.com) only.  Robert advised me to use "ESLvideo.com ( http://www.eslvideo.com/).  As for using "Quizlet", I think staying the rote level is a common pitfall for many users.  His advice was a good suggestion to avoid it.  I am sure that a combination of "Quizlet",   "ESLvideo.com" and a rubric makes a good language learning lesson.

4. Extra credit task: Create a technology enhanced project or WebQuest
I decided to try "WebQuest" because I thought this website is very helpful for the students who have to study independently for some reason.  First, I watched a lot of  works in public, then got started to make my own, referring to my classmates' great jobs.  As this website allows us to make just one for free, I have to look for some substitute...

5. Others
As some big school events were over, I will have more time to "hop around websites" to look for materials that I can use in my final project work.

Thank you, my classmates and Robert!

See you again, next week!



It's been rainy or cloudy all day these days.
I look forward to a fine day, and want to enjoy taking underwater photos next week! :)


  1. Hello, dear friend.

    I see you were working very hard this week. Me too.
    Rubrics are a great help for all kind of teachers. It means be organized always. Students will appreciate when you show all the possibilities and options they have to obtain an excellent score.
    I am trying to explore and search a little more about webquest. As you know it was created in 1995 by professor B: Dodge and I really knew about it this week.
    We are learning a lot on this wonderful course. I appreciate all that Oregon University with Donna and Robert are doing for us.
    PBL are necessary. When I read Susan Gaer project, I though we can do similar activities in order to improve English learning.
    Folktales, was an excellent idea Susan Gaer had. She expresses in her well designed project traditional grammar base curriculum was used by her, but many of us are doing the same and is time to change many obsolete arguments we have.
    Professor Gaer got benefits to explore cooking recipes too. Those kind of simple things make our students fell important in the class.
    Some years ago. In my Spanish class; I invited to my students to write Short stories. They were free to work as they want. They wrote fantastic tales about different topics. We organized all this material and a special book was made of it.
    Have an excellent week!

  2. Hello, Masa

    Thank you for sharing "Quizlet"(http://quizlet.com). I'm looking for websites which are useful for vocabulary learning and I add Quizlet on my list.
    I also agree on your opinion that English is just a mean and it is important for applying PBL to the class. I’ve never used K-W-L chart in my English class, but I would like to try it from now.



  3. Regarding WebQuest, that's true that this stuff has beneficial to autonomous learners. Unfortunately, we are able to use for free only one. As Robert suggest that it is worth a try other similar tool for example portfolio maker at http://foliji.com/

    This tool benefit based on in foliji web is as valuable authentic assessment tools that can document students’ abilities and growth related to specific standards.It could engage students in authentic tasks in authentic contexts.

    I also would like to say thank you for providing podcast link in your blog. I could listen to your article in blog by means of this tool. It inspires me to have a try in my blog.


  4. Hi Masa! Nice post, you really worked hard this week as Felipe has mentioned above!
    I agree with you that Elmira`s list of Dos and Donts is something special! I am happy to know that theis week`s tasks are already affecting your teaching styles because it has affected me as well. I loved Rubistar so much that I decided to develop a rubric to use for real with one of my groups. It is a small project and I got them engaged in a minute! In the future I will post their final products!
    Thanks for the lovely post!

  5. Great post! Are you a underwater photographer? That sounds like a very interesting hobby.

  6. Dear my e-classmates and Robert

    Thank you for all of your comments and sorry about my delay in reply.

    I have squeezed through this tough course, but I strongly believe that this course will broaden my perspective on teaching English, and give back what I learn to my students.

    Yes, I have a license of scuba-diving instructor(PADI) and taking underwater photos is one of my hobbies. Please allow me to attach some of them at the end of my blog, because it gives me a sort of relief...

